
Sierra Maestra

On November 25, 1956, a group of 82 expeditionary members of the 26th of July Movement set off to Mexico on board of the Granma yacht towards Cuba

On November 25, 1956, a group of 82 expeditionary members of the 26th of July Movement set off to Mexico on board of the Granma yacht towards Cuba to end with the dictatorship of Fulgencio Batista. After several days of difficult crossing, Granma landed close to the beach Las Coloradas and they were forced to leave most of the equipment behind. The group walked into an ambush and was almost destroyed by the army Alegría de Pío. Few rebels survived and took refuge in Sierra Maestra, where they began their reorganization. One of them was Lieutenant Ernesto “Che” Guevara, physician and combatant, who later on became Capitan and finally Commander of the 8th army column “Ciro Redondo” of the Rebel Army. During combat, he edited the first “Cubano libre” journal [Free Cuban], established the Rebel Radio Station and commanded together with Camilo Cienfuegos, Las Villas campaign, final offensive of the revolutionary war.
“Today, I seize the opportunity of the visit of a Cuban journalist to greet for the first time the Cuban people. I have decided to defend this people even when I only know it through the action and thinking of our chief, Fidel Castro”.First message delivered by Che in Sierra Maestra mountains, 
broadcasted by Rebel Radio.
Why are you here? 
“I’m here because I believe that the only way to free the Americas from the dictators is by overthrowing them, helping to do this in any way and the more straightforward it is the better”.
Are you not afraid that some may qualify your intervention in the domestic affairs of a Country that is not your own as an interference? 
“I cannot conceive it to be called interference when I devote myself personally and entirely, when I offer my blood for a cause that I believe fair and popular, by helping a people to free itself from a tyranny that does admit interference from a foreign power that helps it with weapons, with aircrafts, with money and instructing officials. 
But many take care of me. I’m the meddling foreigner that helps rebels with his blood. The ones who provide the weapons for a domestic war are not meddlers. I am”.
Interview by Jorge Ricardo Massetti, 
Argentine journalist that interviewed Che in Sierra Maestra Mountains 
during the national liberation fight in Cuba

With Fidel, october 1958.


During an interview at Sierra Maestra


Rebel Radio Station.


Camilo Cienfuegos, 1957.