
Revolutionary Embassador

As a member of the government, Che began a tour of nine countries, Bandung Pact members (United Arab Republic, India, Japan, Indonesia, Ceylon, Pakistan, Yugoslavia, Sudan and Morocco)

As a member of the government, Che began a tour of nine countries, Bandung Pact members (United Arab Republic, India, Japan, Indonesia, Ceylon, Pakistan, Yugoslavia, Sudan and Morocco) to strengthen the international relationships with the revolutionary Cuba. The Soviet Union, Democratic Republic of Germany, Czechoslovakia, China, North Korea, Algeria, and Congo were the other countries that he visited as revolutionary ambassador. In 1961, he travelled to Punta del Este, Uruguay, to participate in the meeting of the Inter-American Economic and Social Council (CIES). In this opportunity he went to Buenos Aires to meet with the Argentine president Arturo Frondizi and to visit some relatives, what would later be his last visit to our country. In 1964 he gave a passionate speech defending the revolution in the General Assembly of the United Nations in its headquarters in New York.
“I must say that Cuba’s interpretation is that this is a political conference... And I am also going to explain why this conference is political. It is political because all economic conferences are political; but it is also political because it was conceived against Cuba, and because it has been conceived to counter the example that Cuba represents throughout the Americas”.Fragment of the speech given at the CIES 
meeting in Punta del Este, on August 8, 1961
“And that wave of heightening fury, of just demands, of rights that have been flouted, is rising throughout Latin America, and no one can stem that tide. It will grow day by day because it is made up of the great multitude in every respect, those who with their work create the riches of the earth, create the values, and turn the wheel of history, those are now awakening from their long, stupefying sleep. For this great humanity has said “enough!” and has started to move forward. And their march of giants, cannot stop, will not stop until they have conquered their true independence”.Fragment of the speech given in the 19th General Assembly of the United Nations, 
in New York, on December 11, 1964

ONU, New York, 1964.


Uruguay, 1961.


With Mao Tse Tung at Beijing.


Visiting Japan.


Visiting Japan.