
The new man

“We socialists are freer because we are more complete; we are more complete because we are freer.

“We socialists are freer because we are more complete; we are more complete because we are freer. 
The skeleton of our complete freedom is already formed. The flesh and the clothing are lacking. We will create them. 
Our freedom and its daily maintenance are paid for in blood and sacrifice. 
Our sacrifice is conscious: an installment payment on the freedom that we are building. 
The road is long and in part unknown. We understand our limitations. We will create the man of the twenty -first century – we, ourselves. 
We will forge ourselves in daily action, creating a new man with a new technology. 
Individual personality plays a role in mobilizing and leading the masses insofar as it embodies the highest virtues and aspirations of the people and does not wander from the path. 
It is the vanguard group, which clears the way, the best among the good, the party. 
The basic clay of our work is the youth. We place our hope in them and prepare them to take the banner from our hands”.
Text written to Carlos Quijano, 
Marcha weekly, Montevideo, March 1965